Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 1.16.2022

Dan Adamson
May 17, 2022
Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 1.16.2022

Good afternoon!

Sorry for missing last week's spotlight as I was traveling. It was nice to hear that it was missed though!

This is the week! If you haven't signed up yet... Please do! Here is the information in case you have been out of the loop:

Here are more details with a step by step process below.

One of the first opportunities we have to see the community expansion benefit us is through the Dexabody Challenge. We have all 6 gyms on board! Typically in the first quarter we get between 30-40 peeps signing up. That creates a pot of $900-1200! Now imagine what we can do by bringing in 5 more gyms...

So I originally had January 3rd as our scan date and with adding these other gyms we had to push it to the following dates:

Point Fitness - Friday, January 21st, 2022  - 7 AM to 12 PM and 4 PM to 7 PM

RxFit Holladay - Saturday, January 22nd, 2022 - 8 AM to 2 PM

RxFit Provo - Monday, January 24th, 2022 - 7:30 AM to 12:30 PM and 4:30 PM to 7 PM
Point Fitness- Dexa Body Testing - Scheduling Link:

RxFit Holladay - Dexa Body Testing - Scheduling Link:

RxFit Provo - Dexa Body Testing - Scheduling Link:

With that being said... If you are like me, you'd like to get started as soon as possible. So I am allowing any scan between January 3rd and January 24th to be an eligible scan for the upcoming competition!

To participate you must complete the following:
1. Get scanned either at their office or in their van between January 3-January 24
2. Pay $40 to the winners pot ($30 go to the winners; $10 goes to the gym)
3. Eat healthy and consistently hit the gym for best results.
4. Rescan in April.

Winners will be decided by percentage of percentage lost. The bigger the pot, the more winnings there will be.

VP over Products and Events

So a lot of changes and my position is no different. With The Point's partnership with RxFit, Tyler and I have decided to have me come on and be part of the grand scheme of things. I will now be taking on the position of VP over Products and Events. So when it comes to any products we are selling or any events that we are planning to run, I'm your point of contact! I will be doing this full time!
I am super excited about this position and really excited about the inter-gym events we have planned and the bigger competitions we have planned. I am hoping this means I get to see more of you more often.
Over the past week I visited Fort Worth, Texas and Miami. In Texas I visited the venue for the upcoming Fitcon Texas where I'll be the director over the CrossFit event there... Then off to Miami to see how WODapalooza throws down. There I mingled with vendors in pursuit of not only bringing more prizes and sponsors to our events but also providing more options to sell within our pro shop! It was amazing!

I cannot wait to be able to bring awesome experiences into our gyms. With a community as awesome as ours, there's no end to the possibilities we have to create fun events.

So, if you have any connections to any of the following, please let me know:
-Potential Sponsors for big and small events
-Products to sell at the gym
-Videography peeps to create some awesome hype and content.
-Photographer that could be consistent as our photographer at our different events.


I know there are a lot of changes that are happening and I hope that you can see that with every change, our goal is to bring you a better product. Thank you for trusting me and the team in this process.

Thank you all and let's kill it this week!

Coach Dan

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