Good Afternoon!
Lockdown 2023

Thank you all so much for having fun with us this year in the Lockdown. Your shirts are done and you have them sitting on the boxes in front of the gym with your name on it. Please be sure to pick those up.
Week 3 Results
Let's start with this final week 3 results and then go onto announcing our winners. Here are your Week 3 results:

And your overall 2023 Lockdown Winners are....

Quite the shake up on that final week! Really came down to the end! The podium finishers will be immortalized on our big metal trophy that will be unveiled this week (hopefully)! This will be hung prominently in the gym and we will add to it each and every Lockdown. We are also going to display all the year's winners from the past dating all the way back to 2014!
Congratulations to all who participated. It was fun to see you all challenge yourselves.
Now let's take those competitive juices and put them towards Twas The WOD Before Christmas 9! This event is our only multi gym event we host currently at The Point. We plan to have 48 teams from different gyms come to The Point and compete on December 1st and 2nd. I would love to see many of those teams be from our very own gym.
So much so, I am offering you all a $25 discount off of entry. If you sign up today, you will also get a $25 discount for signing up during the Early Bird Discount. That ends today. So if you sign up today, it'll save you $50! Just let me know if you want to sign up and I will send you the code.
This Week's Programming

This week we will be doing 3 different Level Method Tests. The goal is to do 2-3 a month. This week we will be testing; Monday-Weightlifting, Tuesday-Rowing, Friday-Aerobic Power Intervals.
With these tests, if you look in the programming app, you will see that there will always be an assess [Blank] OR. That means that for those of you who do not wish to retest, there will be another workout for you. Some of you may be happy with your previous test and don't want to retest and that is fine. Don't let the test force you to miss the gym. Come in and do the alternative.
If you do choose to retest, be sure to look at your previous score and get mentally ready to try and level up. I love the level method because we are able to consistently test and retest to see how we are doing. So good luck to everyone who retests this week. I look forward to approving your level ups.
Level Method Shirts
If you completed all of your level method assessments and got an overall color for your levels, you have earned a shirt! I will be laying those shirts out this week. If during the course of the year, your retest and it changes your overall level color, you will receive another shirt in that new color.
My favorite thing to see is progress. It doesn't matter where you may be, all that matters is that you are working to improve. The same thing goes for me as a gym owner and trainer. I will continually work to improve the gym and your experience. If I see that the programming needs tweaking, you will see that change. If I see that equipment needs to be updated, I will work to get it updated. Progress is the goal in all we do and all we can do is control our personal attitudes and our personal efforts towards that progress.
Coach Dan