Good morning!
Let me start with a couple of announcements!
Pre-order shirts are in! If you didn't get an order in, we printed a handful of these t-shirts that will be up for sale behind the desk.

Dexabody Scan Quarter 3/4
The scan van will be at The Point next Monday! If you are one of the handful who are participating in quarter 3, this is your rescan. If you want to be part of quarter 4, this is your initial scan or if you want to just scan to see where you are at, get signed up! Here is the link:
I would like to congratulate and thank Danny Reeder and Coach Kannon for representing us at WODsomniac. While they had to withdraw due to injury, I appreciate the hard work and dedication that goes into competing. Heal up!

Quarter 2 Dexabody Team Winners
I haven't forgotten about you! You will have a free shirt on the desk for you and I am in the process of getting your 2pood belts ordered! In order to get a wholesale price, I wanted to try and get an order together from others in the gym who might be looking for a belt. So, if you are in the market for a belt and would like a discount, please email me or message me which one you want. If I can get a handful of you to pre-order with me, I'll be able to get a deal from 2pood. Here's the site! Take a look:
New Strength Cycle
Our new strength cycle starts now! Here's what we have to look forward to:
- This strength cycle focuses on the in-between lifts of Olympic Lifting. We want to develop a proper setup during the descent and transition to overhead movements during these six weeks. Athletes will work up to heavy sets as well as hitting singles within certain percentage ranges. The volume of overhead lifts and squatting will be higher than usual, so please, scale to Power or take the weight down for new athletes or need a break. Remember, days that are labeled "Work up to a Heavy" means we want to see athletes reach a top weight (within their limitations) in 5-6 working sets.
- We want to keep the lifting sessions around 20 minutes. This includes "Strength Prep" and the "Lifting session."
Day 1: Heavy Snatch Push Press + OVHS (3+1)
Day 2: Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Push Jerk: (1+1+1) x 2 reps x 4 sets
Day 3: 10 Snatch Singles (70-80%)
Day 1: Heavy Front Squat + Push Press + Push Jerk (2+1+1)
Day 2: 5x 3 Snatch Deadlift + 2 Power Snatch
Day 3: Heavy Thruster
Day 1: Heavy Snatch Push Press + OVHS (2+1)
Day 2: 5x 5 Deadlifts + 3 Hang Power Cleans + 1 Push Jerk
Day 3: 10 Clean and Jerk Singles
Day 1: 5x 3 position power Snatch
Day 2: Heavy Front Squat + Push Press + Push Jerk (1+1+1)
Day 3: Heavy Snatch Balance
Wk5 (Slight Deload)
Day 1: Heavy Snatch Push Press + OVHS (1+1)
Day 2: Heavy 3 position Power Clean
Day 3: 5 Snatch Singles (60-75%) 5 Clean and Jerk Singles
Wk6 (Max)
Day 1: Light OVHS
Day 2: Light Jerks
Day 3: Heavy Snatch Heavy Clean and Jerk
2021 CFTP Lockdown
The countdown to lockdown is on! The date has been set and the programming has begun! Grabe a partner and get on your PushPress app or follow this link to sign up!
Today is the perfect time to commit. With a new strength cycle upon us and working up towards our in house Lockdown competition and then Twas The WOD competition, now is the perfect time to commit. Commit to participate fully in this cycle to see how you might improve in your olympic lifts. Commit to hitting the gym more consistently. School schedule should be set and we should be into a solid routine. Now is as good as any to commit to put a little more effort and consistency into our fitness.
Coach Dan