Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 11.14.2021

Dan Adamson
May 17, 2022
Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 11.14.2021

Good afternoon!

2021 CFTP Lockdown
Our numbers were small but the intensity and fun were all present this past Friday Night Lights! I love the atmosphere and I love that those who competed were willing to perform with all of us watching and cheering. It was so fun to see the big lifts hit and to see you all go all out on the final 8 minutes...
We have a few stragglers to finish the final workout and I plan to announce the winners Wednesday! I am waiting on a couple of people to finish their purchase of their shirts and registration and then I will get the shirt orders completed! While I didn't personally participate this year, it has been really fun to watch those who I could and to hear from the coaches about the accomplishments that you all achieved.

The registrations are complete and we have 116 athletes poised to join us on December 4th. If you aren't already competing, we are in need of your help!

First off, we need volunteers for the day of. We will need volunteers to help set up and to help run things. We will mostly need volunteers to help us judge throughout the day on Saturday. So if you are able, please sign up at Click on the "BE A VOLUNTEER" button so we know who we can plan on. Even if it is only for a couple of hours... The more we have, the better things will run.
We will provide lunch for the volunteers and you'll get some cool long sleeve shirts that we just ordered!

We are currently scrambling to fill our sponsors lists for TWBC. So, if you own or know a company that could benefit from sponsoring TWBC this year, please let me know. It could be sponsoring products for our winners or discounts for our participants. Even if they can only provide one or two things, it adds up and makes for an awesome podium package.
So if you know of anyone or you are interested, please hit me up ASAP. We even have room for a main sponsor to be on the shirts if they get with us before Wednesday!

Thank you for all you do and I will see you at the box!

Coach Dan

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