Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 11.21.2021

Dan Adamson
May 17, 2022
Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 11.21.2021

Happy Thanksgiving week!

Holiday Schedule
First off, let's go over this week's schedule:
Monday-Wednesday: Regular Hours
Thursday: Two CrossFit Classes 7 and 8:30 AM
Friday: Two CrossFit Classes 8 and 9 AM
Saturday: Regular Schedule 7/8/9 for CrossFit and High Fitness @ 7:45 AM

'Twas The WOD Before Christmas 7
Our yearly competition is almost upon us! It'll be on December 4th. The teams are set. The workouts are set. Now we just need our awesome CFTP Community to fill in the volunteer slots!
We will need volunteers from 6 AM to 4 PM Saturday! Even if you can just show up for a few hours, please let us know. You can RSVP through the Competition site here.

You just click on the volunteer tab and sign up!
All volunteers will receive a shirt and if you are there during lunch, we will provide lunch for you! You all are what make this event special and make people want to join us every year, so please come out if you are able. It's a fun experience and the more people we have to help judge and do other things, the more fun it is for all who participate, including the volunteers.

2021 CFTP Lockdown
Thank you to everyone who participated this year! Your shirts for participating are on order and I hope to get them done ASAP... Our printer is going to be prioritizing TWBC shirts but will get to them as soon as they can after that.

Belts and Swag
If you ordered a belt, it's behind the desk. I know there were a couple of you who didn't receive your belt. That second order is complete and we are just waiting on them to send them. The second order of swag is at the printer as well but will be prioritized the same as the Lockdown shirts.

Thank you all for your patience. I hope you all have an amazing Thanksgiving and I am truly grateful for all of you!

Coach Dan

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