Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 12.11.2022

Dan Adamson
December 11, 2022
Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 12.11.2022

Good morning CFTP!

Twas The WOD Before Christmas 8

I just wanted to express my gratitude one more time here. For all intents and purposes, this year was a success and that is thanks to all of you. Running an event like this takes a full team and without our team of volunteers, we would have never been able to pull it off. I want to shout out to a few individuals but want to let you all know that I am so grateful for all the help last weekend.

First off, I was thrown off when I found out our all-star volunteer, Renee, and her sidekick Chris, were going to be gone to Hawaii this year... They have been the lifeblood of the volunteer crew for the past 7 years. BUT! luckily we had a team of ladies who stepped in and handled that role. Grace, Jessica and Leslie spend basically all of Friday afternoon through Saturday evening handling all the little things that makes for a successful event. I really appreciate your help ladies.

On top of that we had a first time head judge in my wife, Coach Emily. It was a rocky start but by the end she had things running smooth. I see a future in her head judging skills. Then there is Erik taking on the MC job for the first time. Erik is usually my behind the scenes guy and has been for 8 years with this event but he added MC to his set of skills. I don't think he loved it but he did a great job.

Finally to all the judges. This is a really tough job and can make or break a competition. Luckily we had enough to cover the full competition and you all did an amazing job not only judging but also setting up each event. Thank you so much!

Clothing Pre-Order

I have put together a blog that will allow you to see and order what you want! Excited to get some new clothing for you all.

It is pre-order only so don't miss out. You have until the end of day Friday to get your orders in!

Here's the link!

Please email me with any questions:


Really excited for the workouts this coming week. Can't wait to see you all.

Coach Dan

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