What's up RxFit!
Urgent time sensitive announcements!
Open Shirt Orders are due!
Open Shirt orders are due by 8 PM tonight! I will close that pre-order then as I need to get the order to Born Primitive so we can get the shirts before the start of the open in about 11 days!
So if you wanted an Open shirt and haven't ordered, please do that right now by clicking on this link:

I won't be able to get any shirts ordered after this time, no matter how much I would want to. So please get your order in now so you don't forget!
RxFit Open Registration
If you are wanting to be part of the draft, I need you to sign up as soon as possible! You can sign up by clicking this link here:
We just announced your team captains here:
One late add I'd like to announce for the Provo Team Captains:
Final Thoughts
I love the open and always have. I am super excited that this year I have the opportunity to make it bigger and even more fun than year's past! I hope you all can see the vision of this and take a chance and participate. I understand that there is a sentiment around, "I'm doing the workout anyways, why sign up?" This is true that the workouts will be part of the program for the 3 weeks but the RxFit Open is more than just the CrossFit Open.
It's a community event that involves teams pushing each other to the next level. It's an event that you get to work with your gym family and earn points that could earn you a chance to represent your RxFit location at the final week 4 event. The final week 4 event will be an event that the whole of RxFit will get together in the ultimate throwdown where you will either represent your gym or come and cheer on your gym as your winning team gets tested to see which location will come away with the RxFittest trophy that will hang up in your location for the next year.
At this event there will be sponsors with swag for the winners. We will have a photographer to document the workouts. We will have have food provided to all who come. As the event gets closer and we see how many are participating, details will emerge as to just how big we can make this.
I am super excited and I hope you all can see the vision of what we are planning.
Coach Dan