Good Afternoon CFTP!
New Year's Goals Checkpoint
This is your goals checkpoint. Stop now and send me your progress report on your goals:
Here's mine:
Run 500 Miles: 28.5 Miles Ran (Added 9.6 miles this week. Ran a year long 5.06 miles yesterday)
4 Days a week of CrossFit: Worked out 4 times this week.
Sub 18% body Fat: Work in progress.
Half off first month
If you have friends who want to give us a try. We are running a half off their first month this month! You can send them this link!
Strength Cycle
Well I have to say that the past strength cycle was amazing. We saw a ton of PRs and progress. We even saw PRs from individuals who have been doing CrossFit for 5-10 years. Lifetime PRs. That is hard to do.
Congratulations on all the hard work. Some of you didn't set new lifetime records but most set a record from the November tests. Sometimes it comes down to the day of the test. We're not always going to hit new records.
In addition to the lifting PRs, we saw over 100 Level ups last week between the tests. That's incredible!
Now that we have finished up the Deadlift/Back Squat/Front Squat/Strict Press cycle, you will see a shift towards the Olympic lifts. i.e Snatch, Clean, Jerk. The Olympic lifts are complicated but amazing. The bring explosiveness to the sport of CrossFit.
January Level Ups
In January we had a few level ups I want to celebrate:
Bryce Witkamp: Orange 2 -> Orange 3
Danielle Losee: Orange -> Orange 1
Chris Delangis: Orange 3 -> Blue 1
Matt Burbidge: Orange 2 -> Orange 3
Congratulations to you 4! I am sure we will see more as more tests come our way.
CrossFit The Point Open

We are 3 weeks away from the start of the open! If you haven't signed up, be sure to do that this week here.
In House Competition Layout
We are doing things a bit different this year. We have decided to pool you all into teams depending on which class you attend most frequently. For those who bounce around, you will have a choice of where to team up. I have grouped the classes to make them as even on numbers as possible. This is how I propose we split them up to make 4 teams.
Team 1: 5:30 and 7:30 AM
Team 2: 6:30 and 8:30 AM
Team 3: 9:30 and Noon
Team 4: Evening
There are a few reasons to why we have chosen to do this. Number 1, I think it'll be really fun to have you all compete with those you are most familiar with. I believe this will help motivate us.
Number 2 is that it'll make coordinating when your team hosts FNL a lot easier.
Number 3 is it will make coordinating for our final showdown week 4.
I will let you know who your team captains will be this coming Sunday. All you need to do is get signed up. While I am not requiring you to sign up in the official open, I am highly encouraging it. I will be using the games leaderboard to award additional points throughout the open.
CrossFit Open CFTP Shirts

I want to make ordering easier than what we have dealt with in the past. So what I am going to do is just have you email me what you want... I.e. Size, tank or shirt. Then you will receive a shirt that matches your team's color. The goal is to get these before the Week 4 FNL so we can all wear them for the final week. It will be up to your team and team captains to pick your color but the Blue and Orange are the ink colors so keep that in mind. To order, email me at and I will charge your account when I make the order.
Theme Nights
We will be having theme nights and I want your vote! These will be on Friday Nights and I really hope you all join us. The more we have, the more fun it will be. We are voting right now on Facebook for the different themes. Go here.
Can't wait for the open!
Coach Dan