Good Afternoon!
Being New
I want you all to think back to when you first started CrossFit. The first time you walked into the door. Were you nervous? Were you excited? Were you intimidated?
Now think back to what helped you overcome some of that uneasiness. I can bet and I have heard from many of my members over the years that the thing that put that uneasiness to rest was a couple of main things:
- Being welcomed by the other class members.
- Having a coach to explain the workout and walk them through the day.
Over the next few months, if my plan works, you will begin to see more and more new people coming to try CrossFit The Point out. New members are so important not only for a business to survive but also for us to progress.
How do new members help us old members? When new members come in, it helps us see just how far we have come. We also get an opportunity to watch as new friends get new PRs which, without fail, lead to our own PRs. Also as these new members reach out, we are able to teach them what we have learned. It has been proven that when you teach a skill, you become more proficient at it yourself. It is important for us to be open to our classmates as they navigate all these new movements in the CrossFit world.
How can we do better to create a good environment for newcomers?
There are some things that you can do to help us create a good environment not only for new people coming in but for all who come in. We can do our part to make the hour we are at The Point the best hour of the day.
- Be on time. (5 minutes early)
This one is super important. Being late happens from time to time and that is understandable but by being on time it will allow for the coaches to give everyone a solid explanation of the workout and allows everyone to get the warmup they need to prepare themselves for the day.
- Listen to the coaches.
Some of us have been doing CrossFit for a decade+ and since we have seen the movements of the day thousands of times or even done that exact workout dozens of times, we tend to turn our brain off during warmup and during the coach's explanation. I am 100% guilty of this. Some of us take it a step further and we will not only turn our brains off but we will actively talk over the coach while they try to explain the workout.
This does two things:
The first thing it does is it prevents you, as an athlete, at potentially learning something new. Sometimes hearing something said just a little differently or hearing it at your current athletic state will allow you to progress in the movement. I have coached some athletes for years on a certain movement to no avail and then Coach Ashley or Coach Brandon or any other coach on our team comes in and the way they explain it clicks for that athlete.
The second thing this does is that it doesn't allow for a new person to learn the new movements or even worse, it makes a new person feel like it is unimportant to listen to the coach. "If this guy/gal who has been here for years doesn't think it's important, then it must not be"
It is important for us to create an environment where we as coaches are able to demonstrate the movements and correct the form of athletes. We have an amazing coaching team and I have learned so much from them when they run classes. I have been doing CrossFit for over 12 years now and I still can learn from our coaches.
- Welcome them without being prompted.
This is something that I believe we do very well at The Point. You all are so welcoming. But, because we are all such close friends, sometimes new peeps feel left out when they first join. Let's try and be a little better about going out of our way to introduce ourselves and welcome new peeps and answer questions they may have.
- Cheer them on until everyone is done.
We used to be so good at this! I have many fond memories of being the last one to finish or cheering on the last person. I have noticed over the years this has become less organic. When the time cap for the workout is 15 minutes and you finish at 11; rather than cleaning up your weights and heading for the exit, let's look around and cheer on those who are still working. It's only 4 more minutes. Nothing is more demoralizing than to be working your butt off and seeing people walking by you with barbells in their hands putting away their equipment.
- Have fun!
The above suggestions will create a better experience for us and for newcomers who come through the door. There is a lot to learn in CrossFit but what makes CrossFit awesome is that it is fun. Making fitness fun is so important in keeping ourselves consistent. If it isn't enjoyable, we will quit. So enjoy yourself and enjoy the company of your gym mates. We have an amazing community and I am excited to bring more people in to see them change their lives and to add to our gym family!
Utah Spartan
I have brought in the big guns! Leroy Wayman has agreed to become our Utah Spartan Team Captain! Leroy has been running Spartans for years and has now become an ambassador for Spartan. What does this mean? Well first off, it means he can get us all 20% off our Utah entry! BOOM! Not only that, we will have access to an individual who knows his way around the course. I will definitely be talking with him to help create some Spartan WODs that better prepare us for the race.
So now that we have Leroy, I am handing the reins over to him in getting our team together. If you want to join the CFTP Spartan Team, contact him via Email: or he said he's more likely to see a message on instagram: @spartan_way_man
Thank you Leroy for heading up the team! As long as my baby doesn't come that weekend, count me in!
April Attendance Contest
Every gym member that attends a minimum of 16 times will be placed into a randomizer and I will choose out 2 winners for brand new shoes! These shoes can be No Bulls, Nikes or Reeboks!
Coleton Oleen
Rylie Oleen
Eric Nelson
Govin Nusum
Justin Bertuzzi
Stephen Olson
AJ Rucker
Alicia Deibert
Caleb Deibert
Daphne Miller
Katie Timothy
Michael Sidwell
Alexis Stewart
Autumn Marcheschi
Beverly McCarter
Kelsey Hess
Jack Tracy
Kylin Cummings
Luis Campos
Peter Jump
Ryan Cole
Tracy Elder
Brent Ramey
Cat Parker
Jake McKinnon
Jennifer Checketts
Jonathan Love
Kassy Beckstead
Alfredo Espinosa
Amy Mckinnon
Brendan Wells
Chase Stewart
Dillen Clark
Erik Bowman
Jake Cox
Magdiel Negron-Lopez
Melissa Boren
Mitchell Stevens
River Hansen
Don't see yourself on this list buy you should be? Let me know! There were 14 of you who had 14-15 visits and there is a chance I missed you. I'll check if you think I messed up.
I will be doing the pick for the two winners on Wednesday!
Memorial Day Murph prep continues! With that in mind... I have finalized this year's Murph design and I will be sending out a link soon so we can get the shirts ordered and here before Memorial Day! I think it turned out amazingly!

One final thing. I have 2,000 door hanging flyers coming and I am going to be getting them on doors all over Independence at The Point! I could use some of your little ones to take on different areas and I will pay them to get them on the doors. If you have some kiddos who would be interested in taking on an area, hit me up and let's get these delivered!
Coach Dan