Good morning CFTP!
First and foremost, Happy Father's Day to all of you fathers and father figures out there! I look up to so many of you and how you are with your children. I am grateful for the examples I have within the CFTP family.
Upcoming Events
Friday Night Beast Mode
This Friday night at 6 PM we will be throwing a beast mode!

Origin of Beast Mode?
Beast Mode is a tradition at CrossFit The Point and is open to all CrossFit The Point members. We started this probably 8-9 years ago and it's been a while since we last did one.
The first one was an impromptu event that the OG owners, Dave, Ryan and myself announced one Saturday afternoon at about 2 pm that we were getting together to do a long arduous workout at 8 PM that night and all were welcome. We were amazed at how many people showed up and it was a blast! So the tradition was born and we randomly threw out beast modes so we could all hang out and sweat together as a full gym.
The workout is unknown until it is unveiled the night of. We even had times where we did it hopper style and made it totally random. We have also done 12 days of Christmas style around the holidays. The workout is generally on the longer end and will have different challenges just like any other workout. We will also make it so anyone who shows up can complete the workout. The format of the workout will depend on how many of you show up as well... It may be individual, it may be partner, it may be teams of 3 or 4. Beast mode became a kind of prepare yourself for anything type event. It's also an excuse for us to hang out together and challenge ourselves.
So I hope you all are able to come out this Friday night as we reignite this tradition.
Let us know you are coming by RSVPing here:

As if the above isn't enough to get you there, this will also be a kind of sending off party to our amazing Winn family. TJ and Lindsay Winn have been part of the CFTP family for as long as I can remember. They have decided to move to Texas and will be sorely missed by myself and the whole CFTP community. So come out and sweat with the Winns and the rest of the CFTP family this Friday night!
Salute The Point July Special
I am excited to announce that we will be running our July special again! It will be a 3 month special for new members! It's a killer deal at $199/3 months unlimited. Along side this special we will be running our referral contest like always! This will include prizes such as shoes, water bottles, shirts, etc... More to be announced on this!
I have also allowed a few peeps to slip in early before July 1... If you have someone looking to jump in early, just hit me up.
This is a great opportunity for us to share the love for The Point and have an excuse for some of our friends who have been on the fence to give it a true trial run. In 3 months I believe these peeps can get a real feel for the gym and the community.
Hero Week!
Hero week is happening the first week of July! Hero Week is where we do a Hero WOD each and every day for the first week of July. It always includes or surrounds the July 4th holiday. The challenge is for you to try and attend each and every day! You can order your Hero Week shirts starting now! I will keep the ordering open from now until Wednesday end of day. So if you want a shirt, please order now!

Final Thoughts
As we rebuild and grow I hope to create a place that you can call home and that you want to bring your friends to. This July special is a perfect opportunity for our friends to come in and give us a try and allow us to change their health and fitness for the better.
I have loved seeing new people come through our doors and I am excited to meet more of your friends as we build up the CFTP family from within.
Coach Dan