Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 6.30.2024

Dan Adamson
June 30, 2024
Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 6.30.2024

Good evening!

Salute The Point Promotion

The Salute The Point Promotion begins tomorrow! This is $199/3 months for new members or old members that have been gone for more than 2 months. We will be running weekly competitions with giveaways to reward you all for helping to promote and for bringing in your friends to try us out and then even more chance of winning for friends that actually sign up.

At the end of the month, we give away some amazing prizes to the top referral getters and depending on how many come in, will determine just how big those prizes can be. I have a feeling this year's promotion is going to be one of the best yet!

Here is the link you can share with your friends:

This week's challenge and Prizes

Every day you are eligible to post on your own instagram and/or Facebook profile something you love about The Point. Doesn't have to be anything crazy but maybe just a video of you doing your favorite movement. Maybe an accomplishment you would like to share.

In the post, tag @CFTPbluffdale and the CrossFit The Point page on Facebook and hashtag #salutethepoint2024.

At the end of the week, I will load up each of the posts and choose a random one to win a free pair of shoes!

I will also pick my favorite post of the week and award them with free protein!

Monthly Prizes

The monthly prizes will be based off the success and the participation of you all. The winners will be the 1, 2 or 3 top referral getters. In the past we have given away value ranging from $500- $3500 to these winners. It will be based off of how may referrals we receive through the month. As we get closer to the end of the month, I will announce the prizes.

Hero Week

This week is Hero Week! What does that mean? We will be doing a Hero WOD to remember our fallen heroes who protect us and keep us free. I was able to keep the strength cycle going this week with the Hero WODs.

We do this every year on the week of the 4th of July.

July 4th Schedule

We will have a regular schedule Monday-Wednesday. On Thursday, 4th of July, we will have our Holiday schedule of 7/8/9 AM Only. The gym is still available to those of you who have unlimited access through the unlimited membership. Friday we will be getting a late start to the morning and only have 7:30/8:30/9:30/Noon/4/5 for the hours.

Coach Dan

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