Good morning and Happy Pioneer Day!
I am going to start off with a couple of announcements.
Dexabody Side Hustle
The Dexabody Side Hustle initial scan is next Tuesday. You can sign up here.
The side hustle is a great motivator. You have your initial scan and then you scan again at the end. Then you put $40 into a pot and the male and female with the biggest change in body composition wins the pot! I love doing this to not only track my health and progression but also it's fun to have a little competition to get me into better eating habits and workout habits. Join us and let's see how much fat we can lose and muscle we can gain over the next two months.
Salute The Point Promotion
The Salute The Point Promotion is coming to an end. ONLY ONE WEEK LEFT! First off, thank you to everyone who brought friends in last week. It was so fun to have so many new peeps try us out. Hopefully they enjoyed themselves and we can get them to join us on the promotion. I will be doing the drawing for free shoes off that list later today.
For this final week I want to put the free shoe challenge back out to sharing our promotion but this time I want you all to share it to public/private groups within the area. Below you will see an example of a post that I threw in the Independence at The Point Private group. First off, if you could jump on that post and comment something about The Point, I will give you one entry to next week's raffle. Here is the link to the group.
The second part of the challenge will earn you 5 entries per post that you personally post in groups that you are a part of. People tend to not listen to the business owners who are part of these groups but will listen to those who are part of the group and active members in the community. So if you post in these public and private forums and tag our public page on Facebook and/or instagram and to make sure I don't miss you, screenshot your post and send it over to me, I'll put your name in 5 times on our shoe raffle!
Here's an example that I posted in the neighborhood group:

We have an added perk for unlimited memberships! This won't go into affect until next week since I will be on vacation this week and want to be around when we finally implement it. But all the pieces are in place and next Sunday I will explain how those of you with Unlimited membership packages can begin to take advantage of this.
HybridAF is a software that is integrated into our PushPress membership software that will allow for you to come into the gym during off hours! This off-hour access will allow for you to come in on your own any time we don't have classes and get extra work in using our facilities and our equipment. I have been wanting to implement this for ages and I am excited to finally do so.
There will be specific rules so to not disrupt our classes and to make it accessible to only unlimited members and those who have our new membership, off-hour only access. Can't wait to be able to provide this to you!
I am on vacation this next week but I am leaving you in good hands with our coaching team. I believe they deserve a round of applause as they have come in and learned on the fly and I believe are doing an amazing job running the classes and creating a great environment for you all to develop and enjoy your fitness.
This is a tough time to be out of town since it is the final week of our promotion but I will still be available to answer questions via email or text as you continue to help your friends come into the gym. Feel free to hit me up and I will make sure to get you taken care of.
Thank you all so much for your promotion of The Point. Since coming back it has been so encouraging to see the excitement you are bringing to the gym and the willingness to share your love for The Point. It means the world to me and I hope you understand how much it helps.
Coach Dan