Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 8.11.2024

Dan Adamson
August 27, 2024
Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 8.11.2024

Good evening!

Good to be back
It's crazy just how much I miss seeing and coaching you all when vacation and business gets in the way of being at The Point. Things should slow down hopefully so I can get back in and train with you all.

Dexabody Competition, August 20th
The dexabody van is coming back!

We will be doing a 3 month Side Hustle competition to help motivate us to better eating and dedication. The buy in is $40 to the gym. Gym will take $5 per entry and the rest will go into a pot for the winners.

Winners will be the individual(s) men or women who have the biggest change of body fat percentage from our scan in August and the rescan in November!

You can sign up for your initial scan at the link below!

CrossFit Games 2024

Did you watch the Games?
This year was a somber game with the loss of an athlete during the swim on the first day. Serbian Athlete Lazar Dukic lost his life during the swim portion in the first event. A heart wrenching event.
This is so fresh and so hard to take but I wanted to mention the takeaway I took from the weekend. The CrossFit community is resilient. Over the years, our gym has had members who have dealt with loss. I always was blown away by how the community supported those individuals in that loss. Sometimes it is in the form of fundraising to help them monetarily but mostly it has been the ability to be there for those individuals and to have a place for them to come and be supported.
I am still struggling to process how something like this can happen but I take solace in the fact that the CrossFit community will come together to do all we can to support this family and help them in this terribly traumatic time.
I wanted to thank all of you for all the years you have supported one another when our gym family has been confronted with tragedy.

Coach Dan

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