Good afternoon CFTP!
2023 Lockdown Week 2
How was week 2? Definitely had some tightening and shifting on the leaderboard!
Let's take a look at the scores from week 2!

2023 Lockdown Leaderboard after 2 weeks

Week 3 Workout
Now that you know the standings. Let's take a look at this week's workout! This is the final week. We made this one a two part workout and each workout will be worth 100 points! Same scoring as previous weeks; 100-95-90-87-84...etc
Your week 3 workouts:
Tier 3
5 Minutes to find
Max Effort Bench Press 155/105 (Bar must touch the chest and show full extension on each rep)
For reps
2 Minute Rest
10 Minute Cap
Thrusters 95/65
Wall Walks (Both hands 10” from wall before descending)
Tier 2
5 Minutes to find
Max Effort Bench Press 115/75 (Bar must touch the chest and show full extension on each rep)
For reps
2 Minute Rest
10 Minute Cap
Thrusters 75/55
Wall Walks (Both hands 14” from wall before descending)
Tier 1
5 Minutes to find
Max Effort Bench Press 95/65 (Bar must touch the chest and show full extension on each rep)
For reps
2 Minute Rest
10 Minute Cap
Thrusters 45/35
Bear Crawl (Each length is 25’)
These workouts have been an awesome test and I believe testing, just like we do in level method, is essential for us individually to check where we are at. It is easy to compare it to taking a test in school. Have you ever gone into a test and felt super unprepared and the results turned out terrible? That is the same thing that happens when we get tested in the gym. If we haven't been training and working then how can we expect our bodies to perform the way we want them to come game day? If we aren't fueling our bodies with the right fuel or giving our bodies the right amount of rest, we can't expect out bodies to just magically perform when asked.
Consistently coming into the gym and eating right and sleeping right pay huge dividends on the day we are asked to push.
Twas The WOD Before Christmas 9

We host a multi-gym competition every year the first weekend of December. This will be year 9! I would love to see you all take this momentum of the lockdown and parlay it into TWBC. This is a great competition to join because it's in our home gym! It is so much fun and to help entice you even more, I will be offering a $25 discount for CFTP members! If you want to sign up, just let me know and I will send you the discount code!
Check out the details of the competition right here.
Coach Dan