Good morning!
I hope you all had an amazing Christmas. It was so fun to be able to coach you all on Christmas Eve for 12 Days of Christmas. I am excited to personally start working out with everyone at the start of the year. I am excited, as an athlete, for the new programming and the new opportunities that we have coming to us in the coming weeks. For someone who has been doing CrossFit for 12 years, it's going to be fun to have a new program that helps me identify my weaknesses and then provides a path to become better. We've always had this but now the athletes have more control and more data to support them in their fitness goals. Can't wait.
Dexabody Challenge 2022 Quarter 1
The first of many bonuses with teaming up with RxFit is happening during this upcoming Dexabody Challenge... We have coordinated and scheduled to allow all RxFit gyms to be involved. This will provide a bigger pot and a bigger community to help motivate us to stay on track! In order to make this work, we will be pushing the date to the end of January for the scan. Here are the dates that Dexabody will be going to in January:
CrossFit The Point (RxFit The Point): January 21st
RxFit Holladay: January 22nd
RxFit Provo: January 24th
Once I get the official links to each of these, I'll put them out. You can scan at any of these locations and we are planning the pot buy-in to be the same at $40/person w/$30 going into the pot for the winners. For reference... In January last year we had 30 people sign up from The Point alone... This is going to be fun to add more and therefore create a larger pot that we can give to winners and maybe even provide some different prizes. This allows for much more flexibility in awarding those participating! So keep your eyes out for those links to get your time slot reserved.
Testing begins first of the year
In case you missed it, we will be testing to get a baseline for each athlete starting the first of the year. These tests will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday the first two weeks of the year. Try your best to be attend classes these days so that we can have the data necessary to have each of you know how to best set goals for the coming months and year.
With these results we will be putting you into different levels for each of the movements that get tested. This will allow you to check the workout everyday and see exactly what you should be doing in the workout in order to get the correct stimulus programmed for that workout, therefore creating the best environment for you to progress and to maintain a healthy state of being. The new app that we will be rolling out will make this easy.
How many of us have maybe felt stuck in a rut on certain movements? I believe that this will provide us athletes with the tools and data to break out of those ruts and to see progress as we retest throughout the year. Super exciting stuff.
New Year's Day Murph
New Year's Day Murph is still a go! For those who have not heard the backstory on why we do this workout, let me explain real quick. I started my CrossFit journey almost exactly 11 years ago. One of the first workouts I completed and definitely the one that made me want to make CrossFit a part of my life, was Murph. Me and my battle buddies were in Iraq and we did this in the pouring rain. We ran from our barracks to the gym and completed the 100, 200, 300 and ran back in the mud and rain. It was so exhilarating and was an experience that I will always remember.

These are some of the battle buddies who participated in the beginning of my CrossFit journey...
It's been a while since I have been so excited for a new year. The future is bright for The Point and I am so excited to be able to add value to your membership and provide a better path to success for everyone who sticks with us and trusts the process. Let's start the year off strong and support each other as we strive for success in the gym and in life in general.
Coach Dan