Good Evening!
I hope you all are enjoying your weekend! Want to update you all on a few announcements.
Gym maintenance Donations
First off, Thank you all for your donations via the bacon sale from Aaron! I remember early on when first opening the gym I always prioritized making sure things stayed up to date and that we were always adding new equipment and maintaining the equipment we have. Lately we have been unable to do this due to the economy and cost of things rising. With this initiative from Aaron, I am able to at least do some maintenance on the rowers and bikes and barbells in an effort to always optimize the equipment we use every single day. So thank you!
We were able to raise $990! So thank you all for donating and I hope you all enjoy the bacon!
Lockdown 2024
We will be doing our 3 week in house competition, yet another way to raise some extra funds to be able to update and maintain equipment, starting next week!
Here are the details of what the competition is:
It is year 10 of our in house competition Lockdown!
What is it?
Every year we have our athletes team up with a partner. This partner is placed into a category
Tier 3 - Seasoned Athletes - High Purple and up
Tier 2 - Middle ground athletes - Blue - Mid Purple
Tier 1 - "The rest of us" - Orange and down
There is a tier for everyone! This is a fun in house competition for us to complete in our regular classes. We will also host a final workout on the final week. This is a 3 week competition we run in October.
More details to come. There is a cost that will be announced next week and a sign up link. Logo and Shirt example will be posted next Sunday.
Find a partner and get signed up below! If you have questions... LMK.
This is an amazing opportunity for new athletes to get a taste of CrossFit competition from the comfort of your own classes and with your friends.
We will have two options that you can choose from to participate:
LOGO and separate email will be sent this week.
Twas The WOD Before Christmas X (TWBCX)

We have officially opened up registration for our 10th year competition. This competition will bring athletes anywhere from 15-30 different CrossFit gyms across Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado... This is an awesome competition and a great opportunity for you all to have some home field advantage!
Early Bird Registration has begun here
Get in on the early bird discount!
Looking forward to this week's programming! See you in the box!