Happy Easter!
I hope you all are enjoying some time with your families this weekend.
Dexabody Winners - Quarter 1
Congratulations to everyone who competed! 3 months is a long time to stay dedicated and I am proud of all of you who stuck it out and worked so hard. Without further ado... Let's announce our 2023 Quarter 1 Dexabody Side Hustle Winners!
Prize Pot: $490
We will split the pot 3ways amongst our top 3!
1st Place: $250 + 1 Bag of CSE Protein, CSE Greens, CSE Hydrate, CSE Energy, Offbeat Butters 28 OZ.
Chase Stewart:
Chase had a 13.8% composition change! He lost 16.7 pounds of fat while gaining 5.4 pounds of muscle over the past 3 months!
2nd Place: $160 + CSE Greens, CSE Hydrate, CSE Energy
Eric Nelson:
Eric had a 12.4 % composition change! He lost 5.3 pounds of fat while gaining 3.4 pounds of muscle!
3rd Place: $80 + CSE Greens and Offbeat Butters 28 OZ
Coleton Oleen:
Coleton has a 8.2% composition change! He lost 3.6 pounds of fat while gaining 2 pounds of muscle.
Honorable Mention:
Jared Mortensen:
Close 4th Place! Jared had a 7.9% composition change. He lost 4.4 pounds of fat while gaining .6 pounds of muscle!
Prize Pot: $245
1st Place: $125 + 1 Bag of CSE Protein, CSE Greens, CSE Hydrate, CSE Energy, Offbeat Butters 28 OZ.
Merrilee Robbins:
Merrilee had a 6.8% composition change! She lost 7.2 pounds of fat while gaining 1 pound of muscle over the past 3 months.
2nd Place: $80 + CSE Greens, CSE Hydrate, CSE Energy
Karla Zink:
Karla had a 4.7% composition change! She lost 2.8 pounds of fat!
3rd Place: $40 + CSE Greens and Offbeat Butters 28 OZ
Alexis Stewart:
Alexis had a 2.1% composition change! She lost 3.8 pounds of fat while maintaining her muscle mass!
Congratulations to everyone who participated! We will be doing another one this quarter so if you got scanned this past week and want to join the Quarter 2 challenge. Please let me know!
This week's Programming
We are in week 3 of the current strength cycle. I have seen some great improvements not only in the Olympic Lifts but also on the Ring Muscle Up progressions we are doing. Stay consistent!
This week on Thursday, we will also be doing a LM test... The Aerobic Power Intervals Test. So be sure to show up for that test to see if you can't level up from last time!
Attendance Competition
We are still doing the April Attendance Competition! Remember that the competition is attending the gym a minimum of 16 days. If you do... You will be entered to win a pair of shoes!
April Free Week

This past week I announced a promotion to help get your friends in to try us out! Your friends will get a free week to try us out in the month of April! All they have to do is follow this link and sign up! No obligation! Spread the word!
Thank you all for making The Point a special place to work out. I am excited for this upcoming year and excited for this nice weather! It's time to get that summer bod!
Coach Dan