Good Afternoon CFTP!
What an amazing two days of competition. Every year that we have TWBC, I am stressed and by the end I am exhausted. While this year the stress was there leading up to the competition, when the competition began, I didn't have to stress anymore. It has been many a year where I had this kind of help throughout the weekend. I am so grateful for the sheer number of volunteers we had throughout Friday night and Saturday. Not only that, it was the fastest we were able to leave on a Saturday because so many of you stuck around and helped out with cleanup! Thank you so much!
Thank you so much to our 2 head judges, Jared and Stephen. Stephen on the mic the whole time is no joke! It is exhausting. Jared and Ashley helping me test these workouts was tremendously helpful.
Honestly I could list so many of you because any kind of volunteering in an event like this is so taxing. By the end of Saturday, all you want to do is crash. So thank you all for taking your weekend and helping us put on one of the best competitions we have put on in a long time.

TWBC Competitors
I am also so proud of our competitors who took on this competition. TWBC always bring out the beasts and you all stood toe to toe with them. It was so fun to see you all competing.
Back in the day, we used to be the gym known for the most competitors. Not saying we were the most competitive or the ones that won these contests but we were always willing to put our fitness on display at different competitions. I really hope we can get back to this. These competitions are so fun and they also allow us to push ourselves to not only do things we never thought possible in the competition but also pushes us to really focus in the gym in preparation for the competition.
I would love to get back to this. My goal next year personally is to get back in and compete in these local comps. It was inspiring to see Bradey and Bryce compete in their first multi-gym competition. To see Melissa and April use their different strengths to take on the workouts. To see Eric and Coleton exceed what they did in practice.
I can't wait for 2024 because I foresee us doing more and more of this as a gym. Get ready to join me as we compete together not only in CrossFit comps but also other races and competitions.
Coach Dan