Good Afternoon and Happy New Year's Eve!
New Year
The New Year is an amazing time to assess the past year and set goals for the coming year. Last year we set goals and I did a sub par job recording them and placing them somewhere for us to see and track through the year. One of my goals this year is to do better with this! I will have an empty whiteboard at the gym this week where you will place your goals for the year. I will take that whiteboard and place it above the Level Method MAP so they don't get erased and it is easy to see them. As you accomplish your goals, we will cross them off your list.
Having goals and writing them down and looking at them each day can be a great motivator for us. So I want you all to think about goals in 3 categories:
- Fitness goal within the gym
- Fitness goal outside the gym
- General Fitness goal
Snowy Murph
Tomorrow we have two classes for Snowy Murph. 7 and 8:30 AM.
Many of you know this but I am sure many don't. Why do we do Murph on January 1st. Well it is to celebrate my first time I did Murph.
Here is my Tactical Element, my squad, out in Iraq. On December 31st 2010 I completed my first Murph with these men. It was rainy and wet and muddy.
So this year, you all get to celebrate my 13 year anniversary of my first ever Murph! Excited to do it with you all tomorrow morning!
Fitness Goal within the gym
This would include goals like: 1 rep max lifts, Muscle Up/Pull-up/handstand walk or handstand pushup. Move up a level. New mile run PR. Attend a minimum of 3 classes a week...
Anything that you can accomplish at the gym.
Fitness Goal outside the gym
This would include goals like: First Spartan. First Marathon or half marathon. First outside CrossFit competition. PR a race. etc.
General Fitness goal
This would include goals like: get down to a certain body fat percentage. Commit to eating less sugar. Stop drinking soda and caffeinated beverages. Drink 100 oz of water a day. Etc.
These are all just examples but I believe in setting goals that are measurable. Instead of stating, I want to go to the gym more. Set a goal of "I want to attend the gym more than 100 days this year. Instead of saying I want to run more. Set a goal to run a certain amount of miles this year.
Bev and Jonny
We should take a page out of Bev and Jonny's playbook. This past year they both set goals and accomplished those goals.
Jonny set a goal to complete 1,000 Muscle Ups in 2023 and did it!

Bev set a goal to complete 10,000 Push-ups in 2023 and did it!

This takes consistency and hard work but it kept them consistently working towards something. A goal like this can be just what we need to kick our butts into gear!
Dexabody Van is returning!
A great motivator for me is getting my dexabody scan done. I do it quarterly to track my progress and keep my accountable. We also do a Side Hustle where after you scan you can enter with $40. This $40 goes into a pot of money where the winners will take the pot.
In addition to this, everyone who enters the side hustle and beats me, I will give them a free bag of protein on me. Generally the 1st quarter of every year is the best one to join because the pot is the biggest. Could be a nice chunk of money for the winner! We have had a pot of close to $1k in the past!
Sign up for the dexabody here:
Happy New Year and thank you for an amazing 2023. Looking forward to 2024!
Coach Dan