Good Afternoon CFTP!
New Year's Goals Check Point
This is your goals checkpoint. Stop now and send me your progress report on your goals:
Here's mine:
Run 500 Miles: 40.6 Miles Ran Total
4 Days a week of CrossFit: Worked out 5 times
Sub 18% body Fat: Work in progress
Goodbye Friends!
First and foremost I want to say goodbye to our long time members Warren and Braden! So sad to see them move but they are moving away and won't be at the gym regularly anymore. Be sure if you see them this week you give them a big hug and wish them luck. Hopefully we still get them to come down south for events and when they miss us!
Love you guys!
CFTP Open 2024
Alright! The week of the open has arrived! Time for some more details!
First off, how to participate?
4 Teams
5:30/7:30 AM: Ashley and Jared Vogl and Grace Cox
6:30/8:30 AM: Stephen Olson and Melissa Boren
9:30/Noon: Shauna Mayer and Krishelle Butterfield
Evening: Dan and Emily Adamson and Coleton Oleen
To sign up for your team and contribute, all you have to do is let your team leaders know. The easiest way is to join their Facebook Group below... or if you are not on Facebook, just let them know you are in! Invite your friends from your classes to join!
Team Vogl and CoxTeam Olson and BorenTeam Mayer and ButterfieldTeam Adamson and Oleen
How to score points for your team before the competition even begins?
#1: Officially Sign up for the CrossFit Open through the Games.CrossFit.Com site. (Worth 3 points)
#2: Purchase a CFTP Open Shirt from one of the links below (Worth 3 points)
2024 CFTP Open T-shirt
2024 CFTP Open Tank Top
The CrossFit Open - What it means to me.

I have been doing the open for 12 years now. What I love about the open is that I can look back on all the years I signed up and look at how I faired year over year. But the thing I love most about the open are the memories that have been created through attending the Friday Night Lights. Some of the best CrossFit moments that I remember all came during this time of year.
There is something magical about the open that really pushes people to do things they never thought they could do. There have been so many firsts in each and every open. First Muscle Up, Personal Record Lifts, First pull-up, First box jump, etc.
Every year after the open is complete, I have numerous fence sitters come up to me and say, "I wish I would have signed up." Don't let that be you!
This year we designed the teams so you get to compete with your friends from your individual classes! We have theme nights on Friday Night Lights. We have a week four final where you can represent your teams and compete for a plaque on the wall!
Point System
Here is the official point system for how you can contribute to your team scores:
Join the Official Open on - 3 Points
Purchase a CFTP Open Shirt - 3 Points
Complete and be judged on the weekly Open workout before the Monday deadline - 1 Point
Place top 3 in either scaled or Rx each week - 3 Points
Attend Friday Night Lights - 1 Point
Best dressed team - 5 points (Every FNL we have theme nights. Who dresses the best?)
Weekly Team Spirit Award - 5 Points (Most noise, pride and presence each week.)
Every Wednesday, I will draw a couple of names from those who entered their scores and participated. These individuals will receive a supplement package courtesy of CrossFit The Point.
The Grand Prize Winning team will be placed on a plaque and displayed at our gym!
Current score
Based off just those who have signed up for the open... Let's see who has a headstart!
Team Vogl and Cox - 18 PointsTeam Olson and Boren - 12 PointsTeam Mayer and Butterfield - 12 PointsTeam Adamson and Oleen - 30 Points
Depending on the total number in each team, weekly scores will be weighted appropriately to ensure fairness.
How does the open work?
CrossFit Headquarters will post a workout every week on Thursday at 1 PM. From that time until 6 PM the next Monday, you have to complete the workout.
Here at The Point, we will schedule the regular workout on Friday as the open workout. We are hosting Friday Night Lights starting at 6 PM which is a blast and will have theme nights for each week and hosted by a different team.
Week 1 - Neon/80s Theme - Hosted By Team Adamson/Oleen
Week 2 - Favorite Sports Team - Hosted by Team Butterfield/Mayer
Week 3 - 90s - Hosted by Team Cox/Vogl
Week 4 - Theme TBD - Hosted by Team Olson/Boren
The hosting team will provide snacks and maybe drinks. It is up to the hosting team to determine what they provide.
At Friday Night Lights, we will sign up for heats and complete the workout and cheer each other on. We will get some awesome action pictures of you competing and provide those for those who attend so you can document your efforts in the 2024 CrossFit Open.
Week 4 is our own competition where you can represent your teams as we go head to head to head earning points to help push your team over the edge.
How creating experiences foster healthy habits
The open is more than just a competition. It's a chance for us to create emotional experiences that feed our desire to stay healthy. Working out for many people can be a negative experience because it's hard and inconvenient and uncomfortable but the more we can create experiences of fun and excitement to working out, the more we can start to change those negative experiences into positive ones.
The Sport of Fitness is an amazing thing. No matter what level you are at, you can participate. You are an athlete. In the open, we have the chance to show off that athleticism within the comfort of our own gym. I cannot wait to watch as all of you take on
Coach Dan