Happy Mother's Day!
Want to start out with wishing all of our amazing women Happy Mother's Day today! I hope you all had an amazing day! We have the strongest women in all the land here at The Point!
Sickness-Wellness-Fitness Continuum
Earlier this week I shared an instagram post that Caleb shared with me. It really stuck out to me and I thought I'd share a bit about it here... I'll start with some screenshots of Jonathan Goodman's post... Some language here...

The last line: "If you don't make time for exercise now, you'll be forced to make time for disease later." This is powerful! Coach Glassman has talked about this for years. He called it the sickness-wellness-fitness continuum.

We are constantly somewhere on this continuum and inaction will bring us down towards sickness while consistency in the gym will bring us to wellness and eventually fitness. It's a constant battle.
I recently volunteered where I was able to see a ton of people from all walks of life and it was eye-opening. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I am so used to being surrounded by you all that I forget how many of our fellow friends are struggling with sickness. There were more overweight people than fit people. There were many so out of shape that they were in wheelchairs. And many of these were my age! It was quite an awakening.
Over the past couple of years I could see this happening to me. Now, I am not saying that I am overweight or out of shape but I was headed down that path. It was easy to eat whatever I wanted. I was stressed so I indulged. I was stressed so I didn't workout. I found every excuse under the sun to not get my daily workout in. It was little decisions and before I knew it, I was heavier than I had ever been in my life. I got my dexabody scan and I was fatter than I have ever been in my life. It's quite the kick in the nuts.
But I reached out and asked for help. I joined Shauna's Detox and I decided that I would start making better decisions because I saw the path I was on. Many of us and even more of our friends need this awakening.
Every year we do a 3 month deal in July. We call it the "Salute The Point" special. Many of you have come in on this. We will be doing it again and I want you to think about who might benefit from a supportive community and dedicated coaches like we have at The Point.
If you feel you need a little extra motivation, don't hesitate to reach out and allow us to help point you in the right direction and be your support system as we get away from Sickness and make our way towards Fitness.
Coach Dan