Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 7.14.2024

Dan Adamson
July 14, 2024
Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 7.14.2024

Good Afternoon CFTP!

I hope you all are enjoying your summers! Been great seeing such consistency from many of you around the business of vacations. It's easy to allow a 1 week vacation turn into a 1 month hiatus from the gym. Don't let this happen!

Physical Mental Business

This week a buddy of mine sent me this clip:

It is 100% true. The most successful people in life start with something they can control. They can control what they do to better their physical wellbeing. Once they create habits through consistently working out, it bleeds into their mental strength and then spreads throughout every facet of their lives. I have been honored to be surrounded by some of the most successful people at The Point. I am inspired by what they are able to do in their professional lives and in their family lives. There is no question in my mind that part of their success has come due to their ability to take care of their physical wellbeing first and then kill it everywhere else.

New Member VO2 Max Deal

Coach Stephen has extended an offer to all "Salute The Point" members who just joined The Point. This is the same deal he offered as part of our competition we are currently running. Here are the details of what a VO2 Max is:

Hey everyone, Coach Stephen here.

We regularly test and track our weightlifting and workout PRs through Chalk It and Level Method, but what we haven't had before is a great way to measure cardiovascular health. I recently started a company called VO2 Testing to help athletes measure and improve their cardio, so our competition will be based on improving your VO2 Max.

A VO2 Max test is the gold standard for measuring the health and capacity of your heart and lungs. I use the same VO2 analyzer used by professional endurance athletes to measure and optimize their VO2 max, heart rate training zones, calorie consumption, and breathing efficiency.

Your VO2 Max is like a 1 rep max for your cardiovascular system. The test measures the maximum amount of oxygen your body can consume during exercise, and is correlated with heart health and endurance, longevity, and even the effectiveness of your immune system. Endurance athletes like runners, triathletes, cyclists, rowers, and swimmers are constantly using VO2 testing to optimize their training and nutrition,

The test takes about 15 minutes. You run on a treadmill or cycle a stationary bike while wearing the VO2 analyzer mask (it’s kind of like a CPAP). The pace starts slow and increases incrementally every minute until you reach maximum intensity.

After you're done, your report will show you not only your VO2 max, but also your specific heart rate zones, calorie consumption, and breathing patterns, which will guide you to specific recommendations on how to improve. (For me, I learned more about my breathing patterns and how to improve my breathing strategies at high intensity.)

If you are interested in taking advantage of this deal. For 2 tests it is usually $350 but for all of you, it is just $200! Here is his number that you can text if you are interested:

Salute The Point Promotion

We are half way through the month promotion! Last week I invited you all to invite some friends to try out The Point. John invited his friend Chewy and Chewy signed up on the deal! Congratulations John Mitchell, you have won yourself a pair of shoes! Hit me up and I will hook you up! Thanks for inviting your friend to try us out!

This week's Promotion

I am going to do the same promotion as last week but I want to add the signing up portion. The person who brings in the most friends who sign up this week will win a pair of shoes! If there is a tie, I will do a random drawing for the winner! Remember, the first day is always free. Just send your friend this free trial link and get them in to try us out!


This promotion ends soon. This is the best deal we ever offer so be sure to get it out to all your friends who might be interested. You also may see some ads from us for 12-week promotions. We have hired a marketing firm to help us get more members into the gym. Yes they are a little different than my typical posts but I am putting the trust in the professionals to try and reach more people outside our walls. :)

Coach Dan

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