Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 5.5.2024

Dan Adamson
May 5, 2024
Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 5.5.2024

Good Afternoon CFTP!

I hope you all are enjoying your weekend.

2024 Goals Monthly Check-in

We are 4 months into the year! How have your first month goals been? Are you on track? Did you achieve any yet? Let me know! Send me an email!

As for me, my running goal is picking up some steam but I am still quite a bit behind. I am only 18% of the way to my 500 Mile Run goal but 25% through the year. Made up for some of it this week with 5 days straight of running! Ended up with 22.8 miles total this week. Here is where I am at currently! Let's keep each other accountable and let's achieve those goals!

MAY Attendance Competition
ICYMI we are running an attendance competition! These prizes are up for grabs:

May be an image of body building and text that says 'May Attendance Attenance Challenge Prizes: #1-1Month #1- Month Free Membership #2- -1 Month Free Membership for a friend #3 B-Free 2012•SI Protein'


We are going to give IBEX a full go over the new few months and see how it goes. Excited to do this with you all and see how we like it. I will always continue to research other programs including PRVN, as we go forward. It is always good to be willing to try new things but let's have some fun with IBEX this summer!


Memorial Day Murph is almost upon us again! We have designed a new logo above and will be taking pre-orders tthis week. I will send out a separate email with pre-order details. We will also be doing a couple of other shirt orders of some past logos and those will be posted in next week's spotlight. So be ready to get you some new CFTP gear! I will also order some extras on the CFTP logos to try and have some on hand for you all. I have never been great at that.

VO2 Max Competition

We have teamed up with Coach Stephen to offer a new type of competition. I will let him explain how it works below. As far as the entry into the competition... We will do the same as we have done with the Dexabody Challenge. If you sign up with Stephen to join the competition and get the killer deal he is offering for two tests, we will have you also enter an additional $20 to go into the pot. 10% of your payment to Stephen will also go towards the pot, making each entry $40 into the pot. We will divvy up the winnings dependent on how many entries we have.

Let's hear about this test from Coach Stephen!

Hey everyone, Coach Stephen here, and I'm excited to partner with Dan to offer a new gym-wide summer fitness challenge!

We regularly test and track our weightlifting and workout PRs through Chalk It and Level Method, but what we haven't had before is a great way to measure cardiovascular health. I recently started a company called VO2 Testing to help athletes measure and improve their cardio, so our competition will be based on improving your VO2 Max.

A VO2 Max test is the gold standard for measuring the health and capacity of your heart and lungs. I use the same VO2 analyzer used by professional endurance athletes to measure and optimize their VO2 max, heart rate training zones, calorie consumption, and breathing efficiency.

Your VO2 Max is like a 1 rep max for your cardiovascular system. The test measures the maximum amount of oxygen your body can consume during exercise, and is correlated with heart health and endurance, longevity, and even the effectiveness of your immune system. Endurance athletes like runners, triathletes, cyclists, rowers, and swimmers are constantly using VO2 testing to optimize their training and nutrition,

The test takes about 15 minutes. You run on a treadmill or cycle a stationary bike while wearing the VO2 analyzer mask (it’s kind of like a CPAP). The pace starts slow and increases incrementally every minute until you reach maximum intensity.

After you're done, your report will show you not only your VO2 max, but also your specific heart rate zones, calorie consumption, and breathing patterns, which will guide you to specific recommendations on how to improve. (For me, I learned more about my breathing patterns and how to improve my breathing strategies at high intensity.)

The competition will be to see who can see the biggest percent improvement in their VO2 Max over the summer from May to September, and we’ll reward the winners with a prize pot similar to the Dexabody challenges.

If you want to do a test but not the competition, I'll always offer a discount to CFTP members. My normal price for one test is $175, but to CFTP members I’m offering a $50 discount, so $125.

If you want to enter the competition, I've worked with Dan to offer a sweet deal. The competition will include two tests so we can track improvement. The total price for both tests is $200.

I know we have members who are training for marathons, triathlons, Spartans, and Ragnars and I want to help you achieve your goals! The deadline to test and be eligible for the prize pot is May 31.

To sign up, or if you have more questions, text me at 319-541-6998 and we'll schedule a time.

The VO2 analyzer is portable, so we can test anywhere. I have a C2 bike and treadmill at my house (just 3 minutes from the gym) or if you have a bike or treadmill at home I can come to you. Depending on schedules, we might also be able to bring the treadmill into the gym on a Saturday morning.

We've already had a few coaches do tests and learn new things about their fitness level, heart rate zones, and breathing patterns. I love working with each of you and I’m excited to improve with you this summer!


If you want to learn more about VO2 max, here are some of my favorite resources:

I am excited to have this offered to the CFTP members! My plan is to fun the Dexabody competition 1st and 3rd quarters of the year and run the VO2 max competitions 2nd and 4th quarters. This will allow us to truly test our fitness throughout the year and challenge ourselves year round.

Coach Dan

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