Good Afternoon CFTP!
For those who haven't heard... We just welcomed our new baby girl into this world!
Rue Emily Adamson

6 Pounds and 19.5" long. Both Emily and baby are home and are doing great! Really appreciate all the well wishes we have received from everyone!
Hero Week
Hope you all enjoyed Hero Week. Mine got cut a bit short with Rue arriving but it was a great week! Way to grind through those Hero Workouts. I will try and incorporate more Heroes throughout our upcoming programming.
Salute The Point Special
Week 1 is in the books and we have had 15 Sign up so far! That means we have passed the 10+ prize package for the winner(s). Remember, for every 10 that sign up, the prizes get bigger!
It is time to announce who is in the running for the first week shoe giveaway. I will be doing the drawing later tonight live on Instagram/Facebook Live... If I can figure out how to do both simultaneously! But here are those who will be in it to win it:
Jessica Simonsen: 1
McKaylee Ott: 1
Eric Nelson: 1
Daphne: 2
Devan and Lexi: 2
Sofia: 1
Good luck! If you don't win this week, your entries will be good for the remaining drawings. If you win, your entries will be removed from the weekly drawings but you can still win the grand prizes for most referrals.
Coach Stephen
Coach Stephen just passed his CrossFit Level 1 course and will be joining our team starting this week! He will mostly be slotted into Friday morning classes and I am super excited to have him on our team. Whenever a new coach joins the team, it's a great opportunity for you all to be taught by a new set of eyes and many times a new voice will help get you over some hurdles that have been standing in your way. Even though some of these new coaches are new to coaching, doesn't mean they can't be very valuable in your progression.
Final Thoughts
I have been meaning to chat about this and after this week of Hero WODs, I think this would be a great time to bring it up. One thing I feel we are missing a bit at The Point is that "never leave a fallen comrade behind" mentality. What do I mean? I have noticed that sometimes when someone completes the workout first, they immediately start cleaning up and heading for the door. While I understand that sometimes we are in a hurry to get somewhere, for the most part when we commit to coming in, we commit to the full hour so we should have that time to stick around for a bit.
When you start cleaning up and taking your barbell through a person's work station, it can do a couple of things. 1. It is a bit demoralizing for the person suffering and struggling to finish. 2. You may get in the way of your classmate who is trying to finish.
The best experiences I have had in CrossFit are when I finished last in a class. I remember one time in particular where I was in a 15 person class and I was struggling with some overhead lunges. Everyone had finished and I was about to give up when they all rallied around me. I picked up that final weight and lunged all the way down the floor. That push is something I needed and something that has helped carry me through other workouts.
I understand that not everyone is the cheerleader type but if you finish first, I would suggest you maybe go out for a cool down walk, or get a roller and rollout or the best solution, cheer on your team to finish. Because while you may have been the first to finish this workout, there's a good chance that later on down the road, you will be the last to finish a workout and you are going to need that extra push.
While CrossFit is an individual sport for the most part, we are all in this fitness journey together. Let's rally around our teammates and encourage everyone each and every day.
Coach Dan