Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 8.18.2024

Dan Adamson
August 27, 2024
Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 8.18.2024

Good afternoon CFTP!

Dexabody Scan

Tuesday is the big day! Dexabody is coming for the first of 2 scans for our upcoming side hustle! Be sure to get your time set up through the link:

Still lots of choices available.

This scan will tell you a lot about where you are with your muscle mass and your fat. It shows you your bone density and many other key indicators to see how your routine is affecting your overall health.

I get this scan at least 2-4 times a year to track what changes I need to make to keep me on track with my goals. I even set a goal at the end of the year to hit a certain percentage.

The side hustle is a side pot that you contribute to. The more we have participate, the bigger the pot. We have had some of these competitions have over $1k in the pot! You contribute $40, $5 goes to the gym, the rest goes into the pot. Depending on how many participate, I may throw in some incentive to beat me personally... I could use the extra motivation.


Last week we started our back squats. Many were super sore from it. This week we are building off of last week but if last week was too much, I recommend doing the same weights this week as last week. If not, then add 5-20 pounds to last week's weight tomorrow.

We are continuing the Deadlift cycle building up to some heavy singles on Wednesdays. Be sure to warm up thoroughly as we get heavier. We aren't maxing out this week but the retest for the Level Method will have you maxing out.

Level Method Testing

Next week we will begin our 3 week testing cycle to find out where we are at in the Level Method! This is 15 tests over 3 weeks. I am going to continue to try and insert the strength cycles that we are in but the main focus is getting everyone tested or retested on the Level Method.

Even if you have done all of these before, retest! Let's see where we stand so we can continue to see how we are progressing as a gym. This isn't only important on a personal level but also helps me see how my programming is working on a macro level when it comes to our overall fitness as a gym.

The purpose of the level method is not a PR board. It is to test where you are at in any given time. Some levels might move up but some might move down. A good example of this is for myself. I have been running a lot more this past 9 months and so my strength has taken a bit of a backseat. I still may have gotten stronger but sometimes as one focuses on something, you'll PR on say running while my deadlift may have dropped off a bit when I weighed a bit more and was lifting more. This is ok. For me, these tests are telling me where I am at today.

So take these tests as a barometer of where you stand at this point in time, August 2024. For those who do not have all their levels... Here is you chance!

Once you have your levels, every day in the app, it will tell you just where you stand and at what levels you should be performing for that day. It's a great tool to help keep us pushing but also to keep us working at the right intensity and weight according to our personal levels.

Also when you complete all 15 tests, you will get an overall level and I will make you a shirt. If you move levels, I will make a new shirt for the new level you are at. I know... I am behind on this but after this set of tests, I will be sure to get everyone updated to their rightful shirt.

Referral Promotion

We are shifting gears to our Back to School Special. 50% off the first month! I am adding some incentives to you all for referring your friends and family during this promotion. For every referral you bring in on the 50% deal, you will receive 50% off your upcoming month! If you do two then 100% off your next month... There is no limit to this. The more you bring in, the bigger your discount!

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 Coach Dan

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