Good Afternoon!
I am super excited to rollout two upcoming competitions in this week's spotlight!
2021 CFTP Lockdown
The 4 week in house competition begins the week of October 18th!
Here we go again! Think of the CrossFit open but instead of joining a bunch of strangers, you get to compete with those you see at the box everyday during your regularly scheduled class times! That's what the Lockdown is. Take a look at the details below!
There are 3 tiers in our lockdown. We made it 3 tiers so that everyone can participate no matter what level you may be.
Tier 1 will be for the beginner who is just learning the movements and may not have the highest maxes. In this level you will see lighter weights and more DB and KB and lower level gymnastics. Don't get me wrong, the workouts will challenge you and you will need to dig deep but you will be able to accomplish the tasks!
Tier 2 will be for those who can Rx from time to time but may have to scale some heavier workouts or higher level gymnastic workouts.
Tier 3 will be for those who practically Rx everything. They are able to do high level gymnastics such as muscle ups and C2B pull-ups and also are able to Rx at least most barbell weights we program at The Point.
The divisions will be these 3 tiers and will be same sex partnerships. So find your partner and then head to either this link or jump on the pushpress members app and register in the pre-orders tab (this option allows you to use your payment option on file and makes things easier for you).
Get your partner and get signed up! It's $25/person and includes a free shirt!

'Twas The WOD Before Christmas 7
7 Years running and we're doing it again! I always love seeing you all compete in this event against all the other gyms that come. We always sellout and we usually have 20 different gyms represented. So if you are looking for an end of the year competition, look no further than your home gym!
If you decide you do not want to compete this year, we need you as volunteers! We are always known for our volunteers and judges. People come to our events because they can depend on a well ran event with a level playing field. So whether you are competing or volunteering, please go to the website and register ASAP... We are thinking of making this year's event a bit smaller so the sellout will happen quicker.
Closing Statement
Events like these two are what make being part of the CFTP community and on a larger scale, the CrossFit community fun. You get a chance to have fun with your box mates and compete and challenge yourselves. I hope you all take advantage of this and join us for the Lockdown and the TWBC7. They are so much fun and the more that participate, the more fun it is!