Good afternoon CFTP!
Dexabody 3rd quarter winners!
Men $210
1st Place John Mitchell Total change of 14.9%! Lost 33.5 pounds of fat and maintained muscle mass! Since starting at The Point in July, John has dropped 46 pounds of fat and has gained over 3 pounds of muscle! John will be rewarded $130!
2nd Place Bradey Stewart 4.9% total Body fat change. Lost 10.8 pounds of fat and gained 1.5 pounds of muscle. Bradey will be rewarded $80!
Honorable Mention: Devan Stewart had a 4.2% change! He lost 3.6 pounds of fat and gained 2 pounds of muscle. Also going back to when he started at CrossFit The Point, Devan has dropped 28 pounds of fat and gained 10 pounds of muscle! He has had a 23% change in body fat percentage!
Women $175
1st Place: Jen Stock! Jen had a 13% change! She lost over 10 pounds of fat and maintained her muscle mass! Jen will take home $115!
2nd Place: Jessica Simonsen! Jess 3.5% change! She lost over 5pounds of fat! Jess will take home $60!
Congrats to all the winners. It is great to see your hard work pay off. It is an inspiration to us all to see you work to achieve hard things. We will not be doing a Dexabody Side Hustle during the holiday season but will be bringing it back in January for Quarter 1 2024!

We are only two weeks out from our 9th Twas The WOD Before Christmas competition.
Two things:
Discount for competitors:
We are running a $40 "No Shirt, Black Friday" Discount through Saturday. If you wanted to jump in, you still can at a discount. You can also use the Member discount code to get additional discount. Just hit me up if you are interested and I will give you the code for that!
Competitions are only as good as their judges and volunteers. The more volunteers we have, the more smoothly this competition will run! We always have such amazing volunteers and I am in need of your help again. Here are the details:
Event runs Friday December 1st from 6-9 PM then starts again Saturday December 2nd from 8 AM- 4 PM. These are approximations. We will need at least 10 judges at any given time, not counting our head judges, Jared Vogl and Stephen Olsen. Not everyone will need to judge. We will also need peeps to help move equipment and help with registration and prizes at the end of the competition. I will also need someone to help me with scoring. I will be sending out a sign up to get everything covered but if you all could open up your Friday night and Saturday, I would really appreciate it. Judging is fun and being part of this event is a fun experience. You will also receive an exclusive long sleeve shirt and free lunch on Saturday.
Turkey Day Massacre!
Every Thanksgiving we do a special morning workout! This year I want to open it up to anyone who wants a good Thanksgiving workout before gorging themselves with Turkey dinner. So please feel free to invite all of your friends and family for free to come in and take this on. We will be having classes at 6, 7:15 and 8:30 AM. 3 classes to choose from!
Here is our yearly workout:
"Turkey Day Massacre at The Point"
40 min to accumulate as many points as possible
In teams of 3, you will have 40 minutes to accumulate as many points as possible by completing the following movements:
Gymnastics Movements
15 sit ups = 5 Points
20 Walking Lunges = 5 Points
10 Toes 2 Bar = 7 Points
10 pull ups = 7 Points
20 push ups= 7 Points
20 kb swings (53/35) = 10 Points
40 air squats = 10 Points
50 Double Unders = 10 Points
20/15 Cal Assault Bike – 12 Points
20 Dumbbell Step-ups 50/35 @24/20″ = 12 Points
5 muscle ups = 15 Points
5 wall climbs = 15 Points
10 Meter Handstand Walk = 15 Points
750 Meter Row = 15 Points
Barbell movement (95/65) = 1 Point per rep
Ground to Overhead
Team member 1 will be completing an 750 Meter Row
Team member 2 will be completing an AMRAP of ground to overhead
Team member 3 will be completing any of the gymnastics movements
**Once team member 1 finishes the 750 Meter row, the team will rotate responsibilities**
It is the teams responsibility to keep track of all the point totals/reps. All reps for each movement must be done completely and properly in order for the points to count.
Final Thoughts
It is always inspiring to me to see progress from you all. Each time I get to see the Dexabody results, it makes me remember the importance of consistency. So many of you have changed your lives through committing to CrossFit The Point and putting in the work. It is motivating for me as an athlete and as a coach. Thank you for all the hard work you put in to change your lives for the better.
Coach Dan