Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 12.10.2023

Dan Adamson
December 10, 2023
Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 12.10.2023

Good afternoon CFTP!

Apparel Orders

Sorry for the delay. My goal is to get the rest of the orders back before Christmas. Had to go to 3 different printers due to all of them being like a month out. I also have new Level Up shirts for those who leveled up since September that I will be getting made this week!

Gift of Fitness

I have created a gift certificate to give away to your friends and families. The cost is $75 but will give you a month long unlimited CrossFit Membership to give to a friend or family member. I am taking it one step further and crediting your account $25 for every gift card you buy! So essentially you are able to spend $50 on a $150 gift for a friend!

To purchase one or more of these cards, you can either contact me at or you can follow this link.

Value of experts

I came to a realization this past year but especially this past week. There is great value in an expert telling us what we need to do.

First off, what is an expert?
An expert is a person who has a comprehensive and authoritative knowledge of or skill in a particular area.

Every one of us benefit from experts in our lives. We gain knowledge from those who have already gained that knowledge and are willing to share that knowledge with us.

This year has been a year of surgeries for me. It started when an expert told me I had torn multiple ligaments in my ankle. Then another expert told me I had no more ACL left in my knee. Then another expert told me that I indeed had a hernia and it was fixable. Then the final expert who took one look at my nose and said that you would have a better quality of life if we fixed your deviated septum.

Before these surgeries, I was doing ok. I could still do what I needed to in the gym with my torn up ankle and my torn up knee. The hernia rarely bothered me. I was born with a deviated septum so I didn't know any different. But the problem with that is that while I could do mostly what I wanted to do, I was never 100%. I would never be able to achieve a higher fitness level if I didn't listen to the experts.

There are millions of people in this world going through life doing just fine. They have never stepped foot into a gym. They eat what they want. If and when they work out they may not be doing it correctly but at least they are doing something, right?

Think back before you joined CrossFit The Point. You were doing mostly alright right? Now think about the knowledge you have gained since joining. Think about how you feel now, compared to before. Has your quality of life improved? Has your movement improved? Have you accomplished things that prior to joining would have been impossible? I hope so.

Our goal as a coaching team is to help you improve each and every single day. Progress is our goal for you. I have seen such amazing progress from those who consistently come and listen and learn and challenge themselves. It's really quite remarkable.

With this gift certificate above, I want you to think about those friends and family that could benefit from the knowledge learned within the walls of CFTP. They probably don't even know it but you could be giving them a gift that could change their whole outlook on health and wellness.

Give the gift of Fitness this holiday season!

Love you all!

Coach Dan

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