Good Afternoon CFTP!
Jamy Jex

In case you haven't heard, Jamy Jex, wife of Colby Jex, passed away on April 4th from cancer. She was only 43 years old and it is such a terrible loss. Coach Colby has invited all who are able to her service tomorrow. Details can be found here. Be sure to reach out to Colby and help out if you are able. I am so sorry for your loss Colby.
Quarterfinals Shirts
We have created a special shirt for our quarterfinals qualifiers! We have these for sale through this Wednesday in an effort to get them here before the start of quarterfinals which is April 17-22. We will be getting together to do the workouts together at The Point!
We will be using the profits to help pay for the entries for those who qualified and want to participate.

You can order your shirts here:
Dexabody Update
I may have been a bit aggressive in trying to make things right with Dexabody after their poor showing in January with the inaccuracy of the scans. I am working to get you all a discounted or free scan this month to make up for this but have been unable to work anything out. In the future, I will be looking for another solution for our body composition competitions unless I can work something out with them.
We are retesting our Snatch Tuesday. I have been waiting till after this cycle to begin entertaining new programs into our programming. Over the next few weeks, you will see us trying out other programs. Your feedback will be important as we explore what best suits our gym and your goals.
Gym Construction Update
I have been told that the construction will be complete this week... Guess we will see. Sorry for the inconvenience. Once complete, we can finally rearrange things where they make most sense and make your experience even better and more convenient each day you come in.
Coach Dan