Good morning!
Vogl Power

Congratulations to Ashley and Jared Vogl for their performance yesterday at CrossFit O.U.R. They took 1st and 2nd respectively and continued to earn their spots into the next stage of the Fittest in Utah. Way to represent and let's keep this train rolling!
Summer Schedule Changes - Starting May 31
With summer almost upon us I wanted to announce the changes we will be making to our schedule.
First and foremost, we will be canceling all Burn/Bootcamp for the summer. I know for the few loyal attendees this will be disappointing but as we continue to build these classes, we have decided to explore other options and then make our decision for the fall. With that being said, if you currently have an unlimited Point Fitness membership, I invite you, for the summer, over to the CrossFit side at no extra charge. Rest assured we will make sure that your workouts are scalable and will fit your fitness goals.
Replacement for these class times will be announced shortly.
Our 8:30/9:30 kid care will continue through the summer but with some changes. You will no longer be asked to take a shift in order to utilize kid care! We will be bringing in babysitters that you will pay directly per child per visit. When you drop off, you will need to pay the sitter $1.50/kid/visit. If you come in the 8:30 and 9:30 hours and bring your kids, we ask that you take your kids upstairs and pay the sitters prior to going to class.
Salute The Point 2021
Our yearly promotion is nearly upon us. We run this CrossFit promotion of 3 months for $199 every year. Many of you know this because you joined us over the years through this promotion. This year I will be doing things a bit different to make the experience of your referrals better than ever. First off, I will open up purchasing of this promotion starting June 1. I will be doing an early bird special for the first 2 weeks of June that will be a further discount for your referrals. After the 2 week early bird then the main promotion will start.
What's different this year for your referrals?
If your referral is new to CrossFit, they will sign up for a foundations course that will begin in July. This will be a one week course that will be required for new to CrossFit referrals. Even if they sign up in June, they will need to wait for their course to start before starting with us. So when they sign up, they will also sign up for the foundations course. THEIR MEMBERSHIP WON'T BEGIN UNTIL THE WEEK OF THEIR FOUNDATIONS COURSE. This way they don't lose any time in their 3 month promotion.
If they have CrossFit experience at either The Point or at another CrossFit gym and I can confirm that, they can start their three month promotion immediately after purchasing it.
The purpose of this is to have your referral join with a group of new peeps so they have a group that they can grow with and learn with. This will also give them the chance to be with similar level CrossFitters and not feel overwhelmed.
What's different for you?
Every year this promotion is also an in house competition. We reward the person with the most referrals with some epic prizes that have included shoes, belts, water bottles, shirts, free memberships, etc. This year we will be doing the same thing but rather then having 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners, we will be rewarding each individual in a tiered fashion... Meaning, if you bring in 2 referrals, you get something... if you bring in 4 we add to that prize... if you bring in 6, your prize grows... That way you are rewarded based on what you bring in and not having to compete with that one person who brings in 8+ peeps.
We also used to post daily posts that you got rewarded for sharing, liking and commenting. With the way social media algorithms have changed, we see this as not as beneficial... So we will have weekly contests but they will look a bit different even though the prizes will still be epic. Details will be posted soon.
CrossFit The Point has been around almost 9 years and the biggest reason is you. Your willingness to share your love of The Point has kept us alive and thriving. It has been a rough year for many and especially us in the fitness industry. We are not immune and while your loyalty through this past year has been admirable, we are definitely ready for some growth. I know that there are people looking for a new challenge and looking to build healthy habits. I am more confident than ever that our team at The Point is ready and will provide just what your friends and family are looking for. So be thinking about who would be interested in joining us during this promotion. Reach out to them and let them know about this promotion. Let's sellout this early bird promotion and fill our classes with the coolest peeps around.
I hope you all have enjoyed our Murph prep on Mondays. Tomorrow will be our last one before the real thing on Memorial Day! As a reminder, we will be running two classes on Monday, Memorial Day, at 7 and 8:30 AM for Murph.
Final Thoughts
I want to thank you for the support you show to me and my team. I really do appreciate it and I am excited to meet your friends during this promotion. I am grateful that you trust myself and my team with your friends and family.
Coach Dan